Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Blog

Happy New Year! Out with the old! In with the new! New leaves to be turned over and fresh starts to be made!

In honor of fresh starts and new leaves, I am staring this blog fresh. Here you will find pictures, recipes, book reviews, anecdotes, musing, contemplations and whatever the hell else I feel like sharing with the world.

As I embark on this new year, my 30th year as it were, I have a few goals. I'd like to get my IT certification sometime in the next 365 days. I have big plans to read more (we'll see how that pans out). I plan to cook at home more, and try new things and not see it as drudgery (which it has unfortunately become in the hustle and bustle of life). I plan to dabble more in photography, especially since I got Nikon D60 for Christmas!

I also resolve to be more mindful, more present in my life. Meditate more. Slow down and appreciate this planet more. Quit worrying about an unpromised future and an unchangeable past. Live life NOW. That is my resolution.

Cheers to a New Year, full of opportunity, hope and wonder!


  1. JEALOUS over the camera!!

  2. it was a hand-me-down, but yeah, I am drooling over it!

  3. Hand me down cameras are not like hand me down clothes!
